| 104. The bGenome. |
82. Purine and Pyrimidine | 105. Replication. |
Synthesis. | 106. Transcription. |
83. Nucletide Biosynthesis. | 107. RNA Maturation. |
| 108. Genetic Code, Amino |
PORPHYRIN METABOLISM. | Acid Activation. |
| 109. Ribosomes, Initiation |
84. Heme Biosynthesis. | of Translation. |
85. Degradation of Porphyrins. | 110. Elongation, Termination. |
| 111. Antibiotics. |
BASICS. | 112. Mutation and Repair. |
86. Structure of Cells. | GENE TECHNOLOGY. |
87. Cell Fractionation. |
88. Centrifugation. | 113. DNA Cloning. |
89. Cell Components, Cytoplasm. | 114. DNA Sequencing. |
90. Cytoskeleton-Composition. | 115. PCR, RELP. |
91. Cytoskeleton-Structure |
and Function. | TISSUES AND ORGANS. |
92. Nucleus. |
| 116. Digestion Overview. |
93. Structure and Functions. | 117. Digestive Secretions. |
94. Transport System. | 118. Digestive Processes. |
95. Mitochondrial DNA, | 119. Resorption. |
peroxisomes. |
| BLOOD - |
| 120. Composition and functions. |
96. Membrane Components. | 121. Plasma Protein. |
97. Function. | 122. Lipoproteins. |
98. Transport Processes. | 123. Acid-Base Balance. |
99. Transport Protein. | 124. Gas Transport. |
100. Endoplasmic Reticulum | 125. Hemoglobin, Erythrocyte |
and Golgi Apparatus. | Metabolism. |
101. Lysosomes. | 126. Hemostasis. |
| 127. Immune Response. |
INTRACELLULAR TRAFFIC. | 128. Antibodies. |
| 129. Molecular Models: Hemoglobin, |
102. Protein Translocation. | Immunoglobulin G. |
103. Protein Sorting. | 130. Antibody Biosynthesis. |
131. MHC Protein. | NUTRITION - |
132. Monoclonal Antibodies : |
Immunoassay. | 158. Organic Nutrients. |
| 159. Mineral and Trace Elements. |
133. Function. |
134. Metabolism in well fed State. | 160. Lipid Soluble Vitamins. |
135. Metabolism during Starvation. | 161. Water-Soluble Vitamins-I. |
136. Carbohydrate Metabolism. | 162. Water Soluble Vitamins-II. |
137. Lipid Metabolism. |
138. Urea Cycle. HORMONES - |
139. Bile Acid Metabolism. |
140. Biotransformation. | 163. Principles. |
141. Cytochrome P450 System. | 164. Plasma Levels and |
142. ethanol Metabolism. | Hormone Hierarchy. |
| 165. Liphophilic Hormones. |
KIDNEYS - | 166. Hydrophilic Hormones. |
143. Functions. | LIPOPHILIC HORMONES - |
144. Urine. |
145. Proton & ammonia Excretion. | 167. Metabolism. |
146. Electrolyte & water Recycling. | 168. Mechanism of Action. |
147. Hormones of the kidney. |
| 169. metabolism. |
148. Contraction. | 170. Mechanism of Action. |
149. Control of Muscle Contraction. | 171. Second Messengers. |
150. Metabolism. |
| 172. Eicosanoids. |
151. Collagens. |
152. Composition of | GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT |
Extracellular matrix. | CELL PROLIFERATION - |
BRAIN & SENSORY ORGANS - | 173. Cell Cycle. |
| 174. Oncogenes. |
153. Nerve Tissue. | 175. Tumors. |
154. Resting Potential, | 176. Morphogenesis |
Action Potential. |
155. Synapses. | METABOLIC CHARTS - |
156. Neurotransmitters. |
157. Sight. | 177. Calvin Cycle. |
| 178. Carbohydrate Metabolism. |
179. Bisynthesis of fats | 183. Biosynthesis of Essential |
and membrane lipids. | Amino Acids. |
180. Synthesis of Keytone bodies | 184. Biosynthesis of Non-essential |
and steroids. | Amino Acids. |
181. Amino Acid Degradation-I. | 185. Biosynthesis of Purine Nucleotides. |
182. Amino Acid Degradation-II. | 186. Biosynthesis of the Pyrimidine |
Nucleotides, C1-Metabolism. |