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1. First Aids For Burns. | 4. Methods for Determining |
2. The Smoke Inhalation | the Extent of burns. |
and Inhalation Injuries. | 5. Symptoms and Signs of |
3. Classification and | Acute Alcohol Poisoning. |
6. Side effect of Antipsychotic | 21. Hanging, strangling and |
and Depressants Drugs. | Throttling. Part 1 & 2. |
7. Treatment of some common | 22. Shock. |
PoisonsPart 1,2,3,4 & 5. | 23. Heart Attack. |
Part 1 and 2. | 25. Types of Bleeding. |
9. Methods for determining the | 26. Animal bites. |
extent of a burn. | 27. Insect Stings. |
11. CPR for Children. | 29. Snake bite. |
12. CPR for Infants. | 30. Burns & ScaldsPart 1 & 2. |
13. Choking First Aids | 31. Head Injuries. |
for Adults. | 32. Stroke. |
14. Choking First Aid | 33. Hypothermia. |
for Children. | 34. Heat exhaustion & Heat Stroke. |
15. Difference between | 35. Types of Injuries-fractures. |
Cobra and Viper. | 36. Roller bandages. |
Fatal Dose and amount | 37. Artificial respiration. |
injected in one bite. | 38. Unconsciousness. |
16. Electric Shock & its | 39. Emergency resuscitation. |
Treatment. | 40. Skeleton & circulatory system. |
17. Rescue from Drowning. | 41. Removal of foreign bodies |
18. The Principles of Resuscitation. | from eye, ear and nose. |
19. Disorders of Airway & | 42. Hemorrhage. |
Breathing-Choking. | 43. Fractures. |
20. Disorders of Airway & | 44. Transport of the injured. |
Breathing-Drowning. | 45. Bandaging. |
| 46. Poisons & their antidotes. |