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29. Genetic Linkage & disease 57. Retroviruses.
association. 58. Retrovirus Integration &
30. Gene Mapping. Transcription.
31. Mutagenesis & DNA Repair. 59. Yeast : Eukaryotic Cells with a
32. Mutations. Diploid and a Haploid Phase.
33. Molecular Biology of Cancer. 60. Functional elements in Yeast
34. Famillal Cancers. Chromosomes.
35. Immunogenetics. 61. Mitochondrial Diseases in Humans.
36. Pedigree Drawing. 62. Phenotype and Genotype.
37. Risk Assessment. 63. Segregation of Parental Genotype.
38. Dysmorphology. 64. Distribution of Genes in a population.
39.Chromosome analysis. 65. Twins.
40. Biochemical Diagnosis. 66. Translocation.
41. Reproductive genetic counseling. 67. Transcription.
42. Prenatal Sampling. 68. Control of Transcription.
43. Linkage Analysis. 69. Color Vision.
44. DNA Sequencing. 70. Components of the Immune System.
45. Genetic Code. 71. Immunoglobulin Molecules.
46. Enzymatic DNA Sequencing. 72. Hereditary and acquired Immune
47. Isolation of Mutant Bacteria. Deficiency.
48. Genetic Recombination in Bacteria. 73. The Influence of growth Factors on
49. Bacteriophages. cell division.
50. Genomes of Bacteriophages & Bacteria. 74. Growth Factors and their Receptors.
(Prokaryotic Genomes). 75. Pharmacogenetics.
51. Classification of Viruses. 76. Cytochrome P450 Genes.
52. Replication cycle of viruses. 77. Insulin and Diabetes Mellitus.
53. RNA Viruses : genome,Replication 78. Sex Determination.
Translation. 79. Sex Differentiation.
54. DNA Viruses. 80. Mapping & Sequencing of the
55. Genetically Determined disorders Genome.
Of Sexual Development. 81. Chromosomal Location of Human
56. Comparative Gene Mapping. Genetic Disease .5 Charts set.