1. Haemopoiesis : physiology 17. Haemolytic anaemias IV :
and pathology. genetic defects of haemoglobin.
2. Normal blood cells I : 18. Haemolytic anaemias V :
red cells. inherited defects of
3. Normal blood cells II : haemogolobin stickle cell disease.
granulocytes, monocytes and 19. Bone marrow failure.
the reticuloendothelial system. 20. Haematological malignancy :
4. Normal blood cells III : basic mechanisms.
lymphocytes. 21. Chronic myeloid leukaemia.
5. Lymph nodes, the lymphatic 22. Myelodysplasia.
system and the spleen. 23. Acute leukaemia I :
6. Clinical assessment. classification and diagnosis.
7. Laboratory assessment. 24. Acute leukaemia II :
8. Benign disorders of white cells : treatment and prognosis.
granulocytes, monocytes, 25. Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia.
macrophages and lymphocytes. 26. Multiple myeloma.
9. Red cell disorders. 27. Lymphoma I : Hodgkin
10. Iron I : Physiology and deficiency. lymphoma (Hodgkins disease).
11. Iron II : overload and sideroblastic 28. Lymphoma II : non-Hodgkin
anaemia. lymphoma aetiology & diagnosis.
12. Megaloblastic anaemia I : vitamin 29. Lymphoma III : non-Hodgkin
B12 and folate deficiency lymphoma treatment & prognosis.
biochemical basis, causes. 30. Myeloproliferative disorders I :
13. Megaloblastic anaemia II : clinical polycythaemia.
features, treatment and other 31. Myeloproliferative disorders II :
macrocytic anaemias. essential thrombocythaemia
14. Haemolytic anaemias I : general. and myelofibrosis.
15. Haemolytic anaemias II : inherited 32. Normal haemostasis.
membrane and enzyme defects. 33. Disorders of haemostasis :
16. Haemolytic anaemias III : acquired. vessel wall platelets.
34. Disorders of coagulation I : 40. Haematological aspects of
inherited. systemic disease II : renal,
35. Disorders of coagulation II : liver, endocrine, amyloid.
acquired. 41. Haematological aspects of
36. Thrombosis & thrombophilia. systemic disease III : infectio.
37. Anticoagulation. 42. Blood transfusion.
38. Haematological aspects of 43. Stem cell transplantation.
systemic disease I : 44. General aspects of treatment.
inflammation malignancy. 45. Practical procedures.
39. Haematology of pregnancy & infancy. 46. Haematological effects of drugs.