1. Fertilization.
2. Twinning.
3. Development of Embryo.
4. Trilaminar germ disc.
5. Derivatives of pharyngeal arches.
6. Pharyngeal arches.
7. Ear.
8. Internal ear.
9. Eyeball.
10. Structure of retina.
11. Ligaments of vertebral column.
12. Suboccipital triangle.
13. Development of vertebral column.
14. Anterior aspect of left shoulder.
15. Coronal section of left shoulder joint.
16. Transverse section of left arm at the
junction of proximal third middle
third of humerus, distal view.
17. Anterior aspect of left elbow.
18. Anterior aspect of right elbow.
19. Transverse section through middle of
left forearm, distal aspect.
20. Transverse section through left wrist.
21. Superficial dissection of left palm.
22. Macroscopic structure of breast.
23. Divisions of the mediastinum.
24. Heart & great vessels.
25. Fibrous skeleton of the heart.
26. Coronary circulation.
27. Development of arterial arches.
28. Development of inferior venacava.
29. Foetal circulation.
30. Subdivisions of bronchi.
31. Fascial layers of posterior abdominal wall.
32. Branches of abdominal aorta.
33. Tributaries of inferior venacava.
34. Vertical disposition of peritoneum in the midline.
35. Horizontal disposition of peritoneum
at epiploic foramen from below.
36. Rotation of the gut.
37. Development of neural tube.
38. Dorsal aspect of brain stem.
39. Sagittal section of brain.
40. Ventricles of brain.
41. Cerebral venous system