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21. Superficial dissection of palm to show the palmar aponeurosis. The deep fascia has been removed from the thenar and hypothenar eminences.
22. Structures in palm displayed by removal of palmar aponeurosis. In this specimen the radialis indicis and the princeps pollicis arteries took origin from the superficial palmar arch.
23. Superficial dissection of back of forearm.
24. Deep dissection of back of forearm.
25. Dissection of right femoral triangle.
26. Dissection of adductor canal in the right thigh. A portion of the sartorius has been removed.
27. Scheme of adductor group of muscles and obturator nerve.
28. Dissection of left gluteal region. Gluteus maximus and gluteus medius have been removed, and quadratus femorishas been reflected. In the specimen, the inferior gluteal artery was medial to the internal pudendal instead of lateral to it.
29. Left popliteal region after removal of the deep fascia-the muscles and fat being left undisturbed.
30. Dissection of left popliteal fossa. The upper boundaries have been pulled apart and the aponeurosis to which the two heads of the gastrocnemius are attached has been split and the heads separated. For deeper dissection.