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44. Development of the limb buds.
45. Formation of the vertebral column at
various stages of development.
46. Thoracic region of a 5 week embryo. ( T . section)
47. Transverse section through an embryo of approx. 19 days.
48. Transverse section through embryo at various
stages of development .
49. Development of the diaphragm. 5th week.
50. Developing Heart tube.
51. Formation of single heart tube from paird primordia.
52. Formation of Cardiac loop.
53. Section through the heart of a 30 day embryo showing the
primary interventricular foramen and entrance of the atrium
into the primitive left ventricle.
54. Dorsal views of two stages in the development of the sinus
venosus at 24 days, 35 days
55. Final stages in development of the sinus venosus and great veins.
56. Atrial septa at various stages of development.
57. Formation of the atrioventricular valves and chordae tendineae.
58. Normal atrial septum formation.
59. Section through the heart of an embryo at the end of the 7th week.
60. Main intraembryonic and extraembryonic arteries and veins.
61. Aortic arches at the end of the 4th week and 6th week.
62. Double aortic arch.
63. Main components of the venous and arterial
systems in a 4-mm embryo.
64. Development of the viteline and umbilical
veins during 4th & 5th week.
65. Development of viteline and umbilical
veins in the 2nd and 3rd months.
66. Development of inferior vena cava, azygos
vein and superior vena cava.
67. Human Circulation before birth.
68. Human circulation after birth.
69. Successive stages in development of
the respitatory diverticulum.
70. Successive stages in development of the traches
and lungs.. 6 weeks & 8 weeks.
71. Lungs buds into the pericardioperitoneal canals.
72. Sagittal sections through embryos at various stages of
development to demonstrate the effect of cephalocaudal
and lateral flexion on position of the endoderm-lined cavity.
73. Successive stages in development of the respiratory
diverticulum and esophagus through partitioning of the foregut.
74. Transverse sections through the region of the duodenum at
various stages of development.
75. Successive stages in development of pancreas.
76. Pancreas during 6th week of development.
77. Successive Stages in development of the cecum and appendix.