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FROM 1st. week to 7 week.
2. Various Stages of Mitosis.
3. Ist. & 2nd Meiotic Divisions.
4. Events occurring during the 1st. and
2nd maturation division.
5. Normal Maturation Division.
6. Embryo at the end of 3rd. week.
7. Maturing Follicle.
8. Maturation of Oocyte.
9. Spermatogenesis in human.
10. Important stages in transformation of the
human spermatid in to spermatozoon.
11. Abnormal Germ Cell in Male & Female.
12. Changes occurring in the primordial follicle during
the first half of the ovarian cycle.
13. Graafian follicle just before rupture.
14. Relationship of fimbriae and ovary .
15. Development of the zygote from the two-cell stage
to the late morula stage.
16. Section of a 107 =- cell human blastocyst.
17. Events taking place during the 1st. week of human
18. 9-Day human blastocyst.
19. 12-days human blastocyst.
20. 13-day human blastocyst.
21. A Schematic view of an implantation site at the
end of the 2nd. week.
22. A schematic view of the dorsal side of the germ
disc from a 16 day embryo.
23. Formation of notochord.
24. Development of a villus.
25. Longitudinal section through a villus at the end
of the 3rd week of development.
26. A presomite embryo and the trophoblast at the
end of the 3rd week.
EMBRYONIC PERIOD 3rd. to 8th weeks:
27. 16 day presomite embryo.
28. 19 day presomite embryo.
29. Dorsal view of human embryo of 22-days
seven distinct somites are visible on
each side of neural tube .
30. Lateral view of a 14-somite embryo.
31. Transverse section showing development of the
mesodermal germ layer day 17, day 19, day 20, day 21.
32. Successive stages in development of a somite 4 stages.
33. A transverse section through a 21 day embryo in the
region of the mesonephros.
34. Extraembryonic blood vessel formation in the villi.
35. Sagittal midline sections of embryos at various
stages of development to demonstrate
cephalocaudal folding and its effect on position
of the endoderm-lined cavity.
36. Transverse section through embryos at various stages of
development to show the effect of lateral folding
on the endoderm-lined cavity.
37. Human embryo at the beginning of the 2nd.
month of development.
38. Structure of villi at various stages of development.
39. The relation of fetal membranes and wall of the uterus.
40. Placenta in the second half of pregnancy.
41. Full term placenta.
42. Development of dizygotic twins. Each embryo
has its own amnion.
43. The relation of fetal membranes in monozygotic twins.