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70. Trachea (Sectional view, THE MALE REPRODUCTIVE
Elastic Fiber Stain). SYSTEM:
71. Lung (Panoramic View).
85. Testis.
THE URINARY SYSTEM: 86. Seminiferous Tubules, Straight
Tubules, Rete Testis & Ductuli
72. Kidney: Cortex and Pyramid Efferentes (Efferent Ducts).
(Panoramic View). 87. Prostate Gland with Prostatic Urethra.
73. Kidneys: Deep Cortical Area 88. Prostate Gland (Sectional view,
and Outer Medulla. section from Main Prostatic glands)
74. Kidney Cortex: The
Juxtaglomerular Apparatus. THE FEMALE
75. Ureter (Transverse Section). REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM:
76. Ureter Wall (Transverse Section).
77. Urinary Bladder, Superior Surface: 89. Ovarian Cortex, Primary
Wall (Transverse Section). and growing follicles.
78. Uninary Bladder: Mucosa 90. Ovary: Wall of a mature follicle.
(Transverse Section). 91. Uterine tube: Ampulla (Panoramic
view, Transverse section).
THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM: 92. Uterine tube: Mucosal Folds,
Early proliferative phase).
79. Hypophysis or Pituitary Gland 93. Uterine tube: Mucosal Folds,
(Panoramic view, Sagittal Section). Early pregnancy.
80. Hypophysis or Pituitary Gland 94. Uterus: Proliferative (Follicular)
(Sectional view). Phase.
81. Thyroid gland (General View). 95. Mammary Gland, Inactive.
82. Thyroid Gland: Follicles 96. Mammary Gland During First half
(Sectional View). of Pregnancy.
83. Thyroid Gland: Parafollicular Cells. 97. Mammary gland during Seventh
84. Adrenal (Suprarenal) Gland. month of Pregnancy.
98. Mammary Gland during Lactation.