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1. Bruise. |
32. Communicated Fracture |
2. Head Injury. |
of skull. |
3. Abrasion. |
33. Defence wound. |
4. Partial hanging. |
34. Dhatura. |
5. Human hymen. |
35. Different ages of bruises. |
6. Infanticide. |
36. Fire arm injury. |
7. First degree of burn. |
37. Human hair, Animal Hair. |
8. Acid attack. |
38. Incised wound. |
9. Nose cut with knife. |
39. Lacerated wound. |
10. Arsenic skin complication. |
40. Mechanism of injury in road |
11. Death from burning. |
Traffic accidents. |
12. Degree of burn second degree. |
41. Physiology of Regor Mortis. |
13. Hanging ligature mark. |
42. Postmortem lividity. |
14. Homicidal cut throat. |
43. Putrefaction. |
15. Homicidal multiple knife injuries. |
44. Ricinus Communis. |
16. Homicidal stab wound on neck. |
45. Skeletonized. |
17. Lesion of hand from contact with |
46. Strychnos Nux Vomica. |
live wire a current of 250 volts. |
47. Subarachnoid Hematoma. |
18. Nose bitten by teeth. |
48. Subdural Hematoma. |
19. Scalds from a fall in to a cauldron |
49. Traumatic Asphyxia. |
of boiling ghee. |
50. Abrus Precatorius. |
20. Snake bite-non toxic. |
51. Adipocere. |
21. Strangulation with nylon rope. |
52. Bite Mark. |
22. Suicidal cut throat with razor. |
53. Calotrops. |
23. Gun shot injury. |
54. Communiated fracture of skull. |
24. Sulphuric acid vitrolage on the |
55. Defence wound. |
face and chest. |
56. Dhatura. |
25. Third degree burn. |
57. Dhatura, chilly seeds. |
26. Scald. |
58. Different edges of Bruises. |
27. Post mortem staining. |
59. Extra cranial hemorrhage. |
28. Burns. |
60. Extradural Haematoma. |
29. Abrus Precatorius. |
61. Fire arm injury. |
30. Adipocere. |
62. Fracture Skull. |
31. Bite Mark. |
63. Human hair, Animal hair. |
64. Incised Wound. |
71. Ricinus Communis. |
65. Lacerated Wound. |
72. Skeltonized. |
66. Mechanism of Injuries in |
73. Snakes. |
Road Traffic Accidents. |
74. Strychnos nux vomica. |
67. Physiology of Rigor Mortis. |
75. Subarachnoid Hematoma. |
68. Postmortem Artifacts. |
76. Subdural Hematoma. |
69. Postmortem Lividity. |
77. Traumatic Asphyxia. |
70. Putrefaction. |