51. Femoral Hernia (Male).
52. Large iriducible femoral Hernia (Female).
53. Bilateral Lumber Hernia.
54. Peptic Ulcer Acute Gastric Ulcer.
55. Sub Acute Ulcer of Stomach.
56. Chronic Gastric Ulcer.
57. Carcinoma of the Stomach (Carcinoma of the Cardia).
58. Varicose Veins on Leg.
59. Pellegra on Hand.
60. Recticulam cell Sarcoma on Leg.
61. Late Benign Syphilis. Cicatrizing tuberserpiginous
Syphilis on the temples.
62. Secondary Syphilis.
63. Late Benign Syphilis Ulcerated, Grouped, Tuberoserpiginous
Syphilis on Back.
64. Late Benign Syphilis Gummatous Lesion on the upper Lip and Nose.
65. Congenital Syphilis. Hutchin Son,s Teeth.
66. Granuloma Inguinale.
67. Gonorrheal Gangrene.
68. Models Showing Application and Proper Placement of
(Two Models)
69. Models Showing Application and Proper Placement of Copper
T (Two Models)
70. Kwashiorkor
71. Marasmus
72. Bitots Spot
73. Xerophthalmia
74. Toad Skin
75. Lizard Skin
76. Ricket
77. Glossitis on Tounge
78. Koilonychia Spoon Shaped Nails
79. Tetanus
80. Whooping Cough
81. Diphtheria
82. Poliomyelitis
83. Tuberculosis
84. Ornithodorus moubata L. H. (relapsing feverick).
85. Dermacentor andersoni L.H.
86. Cimex lectularious (common bed bug) egg, larva & adult.
87. Pediculus humanus corporis (body louse)
egg attached to hair & adult.
88. Pediculus capitis head louse egg attached to hair and adult.
89. Phthirus pubis (crab or pubic louse) egg & adult.
90. Xenopsylla cheopis (rat flea) egg, larva, cocoon, pupa & adult.
91. Tunga penetrans (sand flea) male, gravid female & larva.
92. Phelebotomus argentipes (sand fly) egg, larva, pupa & adult L. H.
93. Glossina Tsetse fly L.H. (larva, pupa & adult.).
94. Glossina palpalis & G. Morsitans (comparative study) adult.
95. Culex head (male & female).
96. L.H. of culex.
97. Anopheles head (male & female).
98. Anopheles L.H.
99. Aedes aegypti L.H.
100. Anopheles, culex & aedes (comparative study) adult.